Monday, January 16, 2006

Interesting Blog on Raising Series A


T.M.H.G.N.v.K. said...

Hi, I am doing some research regarding the economics of identity management. Any pointers? Most of what I've found is related to the technical aspects of IdM, but I am more interested in the economics, perhaps economic models, etc. Perhaps you could help me out in this regard.

Much obliged.

Ashraf Motiwala said...

There are a good number of reports, although you usually gotta pay for them.

I read some figures from the radicati group regarding the size of IdM market today, and forcasts to 2009.

T.M.H.G.N.v.K. said...

Thanks a lot. The report in that page is quite dear for my student budget :). I've been reading your notes on the Laws of Identity, seems like a very interesting article, should have a look too. Are you doing research in this field, or is it just one of your avocational interests?

Ashraf Motiwala said...

Well, a bit of both. I'm Director of Identity Management for the CRT Group . Been in the field for about 5 years...really started off with Web Access Management tools, and evolved from there. If I find anything interesting on the economics, i'll make sure to post it.

Ashraf Motiwala said...

The link before wasnt properly formatted. Here it is : CRT.
Also, I updated the links to the papers in the other post if you want to take a look at them.