Thursday, January 26, 2006

Seven Deadly IdM Risks

Seven Identity Management Implementation Risks
Mark G. DixonJan 25, 2006 - Show original item

I taught a class today addressing best practices in Identity Management implementation. Part of the presentation was entitled "Seven Common Risks." I lobbied to call this "Seven Deadly Risks," but some folks thought that title was a bit over the top. Nonetheless, here are seven risky behaviors that could kill your Identity Management project.
Poor Pre-Project Preparation
Poor Requirements Definition
Large Initial Scope
Inexperienced Resources
Poor Project Methodology
Scope Creep
Not Using Available Support


James McGovern said...

Would have been cool if you videotaped it and allowed folks to download. The problem space of project management in general is not honestly talked about...

Ashraf Motiwala said...

Actually, the blog was written by Mark Dixon from Sun. He heads up their identity management practice. Pretty great blog. Check it out by clicking on the link in the blog.